Wednesday, 4 January 2012

YAY, Wednesdays are back to normal!!

Just back from CTRV training, and boy am I glad its back on!

Back to that excited feeling from being challenged, from encouragement, and from being able to laugh at myself. My internal me is jumping up and down and clapping giddily with excitement whilst Holly is telling us what we'll be doing, but I think I keep it cool on the outside by just having a big grin and eyes as wide as saucers!

Tonight we practiced our one footed glides, clockwise skating (with very pretty crossovers- athankyou!), we had a little bash at hip whips in a paceline, and then we played some games. I know what you're thinking, a school gym full of a bunch of twentysomethings playing games . . . ? Yeah, stick in the mud and chariot races on skates are chuffing great fun!! Think I need to work on my 'agility' because I'm quite good at 'untagging' folks stuck in the mud, but not quite nimble enough to avoid being tagged. Goddamit I need to learn transitions, and toes stops, and fast! Think I might need to make myself a little checklist, because the past couple of trips to skating I've not really pushed myself, only slightly. I want to learn!! 

Hopefully Skate Central will be open tomorrow, if it's not I might have a very sad face! 

Aaargh, I want to go skating again, I don't want to go to bed!

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